
Contact Me...

Hello Friends!

First of all, I would like to thank you for visiting my blog, checking out my recipes, and reading some of my food and life stories. Your visits and comments keep me going and inspire me to write and share my passion for good food.

I would love to hear more from you! If you have any questions, suggestions, or anything you want to talk about, please feel free to send me a private email me at this address:

Thank you for visiting my blog and for taking time to contact me.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Love, Cheers, and Delicious Meals,



  1. Hey! I was just looking through your blog. We have a lot in common! I work by day and bake/cook by night too :) I'm participating in the food matters project and I'm loving it. I also have read several of your favorite books - and liked them too. (I work at a library!) Well, just wanted to drop in, say hello, and nice blog!

  2. Hi Margie. We love your blog! I can't believe you are blogging about food, I had no idea you loved to cook so much. Ok, no more dinners at my house, you need to have me over for one of your delicious creations! Sally is proud of you too. Keep cooking! It sounds like you are having a great time and delivering some savory foods for dinner and dessert. See you soon - Heather & Sally

  3. That's hilarious. My hubbys name is Ronny and he grew up in Germany like I did and his words were pretty much the same when he heard Rhubarb! Coincidences are funny sometimes, dont you think? Jen

    Your website would not let me comment on your rhubarb post :-(

  4. Margarita, I just read your profile. Do you work with autistic children?


    1. Hey Lexi, I replied to your question in a private email. Hope you got it?

  5. Can I follow you by email your blog posts? thanks Sally R in AU


Let me know what your thoughts are... Your comments always make my day!