
Saturday, November 3, 2012

November 2, 1983

- card from DFJ and what's left of my birthday cake (made by him)

I turned 29 yesterday.

Since the Philippines is about a day ahead, birthday greetings started coming a day early from my family. They sang me a birthday song, which made my heart ache. I miss everyone so and wish that someday we could all be together again. Thank you Ma, for gathering everyone to celebrate my special day even if I’m so far away. I love you!    

I woke up with a need to make cookies so I can share them with my students and the rest of my classroom staff. Smitten Kitchen, thank you for this lovely cookie recipe. I just slightly veered away from the original recipe by using whole wheat flour and adding orange zest. What a perfect way to start my morning!

All throughout the day, my sweet students and coworkers greeted me with big hugs, beautiful smiles, cute cards, birthday jokes, and a loud birthday chorus. I love you guys! Thank you for making me feel like Ms. Princess Teacher!  

DFJ invited some friends over and everyone gathered for some good food, drinks, and games… DFJ Blackeye Pea Relish with chips, DFJ margaritas, bread and delicious cheeses (from Scott and Anna), beer and lots of fruits (from Rod and Melissa), a great salad “with almonds” and wine (from Wes and Elissa), and some homemade chicken tikka masala, pancit (a Filipino noodle dish), rice, and naan. Our friends, Jo and Roslyn, came later and made it on time to sing me a birthday song and enjoy DFJ’s salted caramel chocolate cake! Thank you so much, dear friends, for celebrating my birthday with me!

DFJ, thank you for the good (and sometimes rough) times. Two years ago, you declined my invitation to my birthday dessert party, even though my friends and I were just at the Dairy Queen across from your apartment (hmph!)… a week after that, you gave me a white spatula as a late present. Yesterday, you gathered our good friends to celebrate another year of my life, and made me a cake! We have come a long way and I feel so blessed to have you in my life. Thank you for your love. I love you too, you know?

Every time I’m having a good time, I get so caught up in the moment and forget to take pictures… or I just feel awkward interrupting the moment. So, I have nothing to show for from my birthday party but the aftermath. Now, I’m off to take care of this… anyone wanna come over and help??? We have leftovers!


1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, happy birthday! That sounds like such a fun time! I think I would definitely help you clean up in exchange for leftovers :p


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